
Article Roundup - Week of 04/24/2017

Article Roundup

Understanding Stacked Bar Charts: The Worst Or The Best?
This article is a response to this article by a Research Scientist at Tableau that made the claim that stacked bar graphs are horrible. I think the take away from both these articles is this: different charts have different purposes. Use a graph wrong and it may not show what you need it to show, so be careful and make sure you are using your graphs correctly.

A Fast Mutex Lamport Lock with JavaScript Promises
There are shared objects in JavaScript, in this example localstorage between two tabs. This is a nice example of locking to ensure two tabs of the same site can use localstorage at the same time.

Quick Tip: How to Style React Components with styled-components
Most things in React have a standard or defacto standard, other than CSS. There are a few competing methods right now for how to handle CSS, this article gives a quick overview of them and then presents their preferred method.

Designing User Interfaces With React
If you haven’t taken the time to learn React yet, this is a very quick introduction to what React is and to some extent how it works. It does a good job of communicating that React requires you to think about the visual design of your application before you start building everything.

Tinytime - A straightforward date and time formatter in <800b
Sometimes you have to deal with formatting JS dates, but don’t need the power of MomentJS. Tinytime looks like a pretty good solution to that.

Choosing between React and Angular: An in-Depth Comparison
This is one of the best comparisons I have seen between React and Angular. If you are curious about the high-level differences this is a good place to start.

Introducing RealWorld
It has become very common for frameworks to provide examples on how to implement a Todo App with their framework. There are even sites where you can find the exact same app built with several frameworks, expect things are a lot more complex in the real world. That is what RealWorld looks to solve, they implement the same blogging app with several frontends and several backends so you can see a real example with just about everything you would need to learn.

Need to play with HTTP requests in your app to test something? Check this extension out. It is designed for security testing, but there are plenty of other development tasks aided by editing HTTP requests on the fly.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), you know the people who come up with the standards for the web, have partnered with edX to provide free courses on various web-related topics. The offering is still small but I expect it will continue to grow.